CHRONON is a Special software that has been designed in a smart and innovative manner . which aids to reduce the effort of the teachers and faculties in preparing the question paper for different class levels, subjects, concepts, chapters and much more. Yoctel’s CHRONON is a unique solution that provides you freedom from DTP operators and teachers for conducting tests or exams in your organization or Institute. With CHRONON you have facility to take decision in seconds for conducting test in your organization and the test paper is ready in a minute!! CHRONON is the only solution in the world developed and designed so comprehensively for handling and managing any existing type or futuristic type of questions.
Edit &
Quick Feature List
Chronon provides you the facility to choose one of the types of various methods in which generally DTP operators manage their typing and maintain their word files containing the questions.
Multilanguage Support
Both English and Hindi Language can be supported. Multiple questions in either language can be stored and exported.
Export Question paper can be exported in two languages at a time.
Classification/Tag Option for Question In Question Manager
Classify or tag information with each of your question- Subject, module, sub-module, difficulty level, concept, source used, author or last used in X university information.
Identification of Question parts while uploading
Maintaining Question database is too easy. Just upload/ browse word file and software will itself identify the content provided (Question, Options, Answer and Explanation beautifully.
Various objective and subjective questions can be created. Objective questions like Choose the best answer, true or false, fill in the blanks and subjective questions with descriptive answers can be created.
The question paper is created through the question bank. The difficulty level and weight age of question paper are balanced with ease. Alternative question paper sets can be created, moreover questions are secure.
QUESTION Info can be exported to excel with all tags like module used, submodule, source, difficulty and other info.
The Various sets of questions can be exported. The question bank is useful for the question paper familiarization.
Duplicacy Checker
The Advanced Version has Duplicacy Checker and The Software can check the Similarity of Questions .
Principal’s or Institute Director’s Paradise
Generally higher authorities in any organization are heavily dependent on the typists and the teachers when there is question of preparing test papers. It happens even when the organization has pool of good question already typed. Over this pool of questions typists and teachers are engaged for hrs in the cycle of cut- paste- print out-corrections. With CHRONON you have facility to take decision in seconds for conducting test in your organization and the test paper is ready in a minute!!
Design to handle All type of Question
CHRONON is the only solution in the world developed and designed so comprehensively for handling and managing any existing type or futuristic type of questions. It can handle following type of questions,
Optimum use of the question bank of the institutes
Generally, while preparing question paper faculty merely focus over completion of the criteria for the test paper by selecting the appropriate number of questions but due to lack of time it is difficult for them to explore all the questions available in their question bank in order to place the most suitable question in the test paper. Unstructured and non systematic storage of questions in the computers makes it almost impossible to explore and analyze each question every time when a question paper is prepared. Using CHRONON you can use every question of your question bank at the most suitable place of your question paper. Even if you have various similar (not Duplicate!) questions on same concept and different test papers are created on same concept CHRONON will ensure the uniqueness of all the papers using all your questions intelligently and hence apart from providing the optimum use of your question bank it is also raising the standard of test conducting process in your organization.
Ultimate manager of your question bank
CHRONON provides you the facility to manage all your questions and retrieve them according to your criteria virtually within no time. You can classify questions according to their use in a particular Exam or they belong to a particular subject or to a chapter of a subject or they belong to a particular topic of a chapter of a subject! Further you can classify questions according to their difficulty level that is easy medium or difficult. Not only this can you attach some information like if certain question has been asked in a particular year in any exam like IIT-JEE or UPCE etc.!
Using any of or all the criteria mentioned above you can search and view the questions. More over if you think that a particular question is misplaced or incorrectly classified, using just few clicks you can move and transfer that question in appropriate place. Above all just by making certain changes in a particular question you can save it as new question hence CHRONON can create even new questions for you !
Ultimate and unmatched quality of Intelligent Test/Question Paper Generation
Test paper creation or preparing a question paper is one of the most important process’ in any educational or training organization. It involves lot of man power of any organization like senior person to take decision for conducting test, expert of the exam for providing guideline for the pattern of the test paper, experts of the subjects for selecting or forming questions to be asked in the test, then DTP operator for cut- paste from existing question bank or typing new questions. Doing all these things manually is a very cumbersome process and costly as well (Think about the cost of experts and faculty!) and the cost grows exponentially as the quality of the test paper is raised. The worse situation is -the important task becomes urgent if the key persons of the process are missing or absent!!
CHRONON is your single window solution for all your requirements and the problems. It will let you feel that the cost of this solution as compared to that of experts , faculty and DTP operator is much less than that of a peon and the quality as good as that of the experts and even higher than that!
Futuristic track and statistics of question Bank
Once you have stored your question bank in CHRONON, within seconds you can view the strength of your question bank in a very systematic and tabular form. The fields of the table can be selected by the users as per his/her requirements for example, difficulty level wise distribution of questions in a particular subject or topic wise distribution of questions in a subject or even all the distribution of questions of any exam across all the subjects with distribution within modules and sub module and separated with difficulty level! The question bank analysis helps you decide the areas of questions and the type of questions to be focused which may be left behind or lack in number strength.
Quick Uploading Of Questions
Before adopting such kind of software the first question comes in our mind is how to enter our existing questions collection into this software? Chronon allows you to enter all the questions at one go using your word files. Chronon provides you the facility to choose one of the types of various methods in which generally DTP operators manage their typing and maintain their word files containing the questions. It means Chronon supports any kind of typing style for example-
Intelligent separation of question parts i.e. question, options, answer, explanations
When user uploads questions containing answers and explanations together,CHRONON identifies them, saves these parts of a question separately but allows the user to retrieve them in any combinations that is user can retrieve questions without answers or with answers but without explanations etc. This feature helps the user to produce assignments and test papers more aesthetically for example
In built feature to handle any type of existing or future type of questions
Since questions appear in different exams are of different type. Even a question is multiple choice type it may have its own sub type for example four options but single correct, four options but one or more options may be correct, neither of the options is correct or incorrect but the options may carry different weight or points, only two choices like True – False, etc. Chronon provides a facility to further classify MCQ type questions into subtype as mentioned above which is called user defined type of a question type. Similarly subjective or descriptive type of questions can be further classified under various sub type according to the nature of the question for example fill in the blank, very short answer type, short answer type, twenty words, essay type. In fact using the facility of user defined type of questions Chronon is capable of handling even futuristic type of questions!
Error watch during uploading
As Chronon help you to create assignments and generate test papers it is very important that question entry is correct, only then the higher authority can be ensured of error free question papers or assignments. Chronon assures that questions entered correctly or incorrectly into the software by providing a preview window where user can see that all the parts of questions (question text, options, answer, and explanation) are identified by the software or not which is beautifully displayed in this window in different colors for different parts of the questions.
Recognition of Duplicate and similar questions
When questions are not managed properly it is common phenomena that a same question is saved in so many places and on so many files. It becomes very irritating that corrections are made on one file where as a careless DTP operator selects question from some other file! And this results in the wastage of precious time of an important faculty. Chronon provides you a single depository system. Upload all the questions in to the data base of the software and run the duplicity / similarity form. The software will fetch not only the duplicate questions but also the questions which are similar. More over it will indicate the percentage of similarity as well! Now delete the questions you think repeated or too similar. If you are managing your question bank through Chronon there is no question of data redundancy or storage of incorrect questions!
Edit and change question’s positions they belong to/ Manage Questions as you wish!
Chronon is the only software of its kind in the world! It is the most comprehensive software regarding question bank management system. When questions are uploaded in the Chronon a unique Id is assigned to each question. Now upload all the questions you have in one go and run the duplicacy checker. Once you have removed the duplicate or similar questions take the print outs with QID (Question Id) and get the questions proof read by your faculty. Now your DTP operator has to enter only QID of erroneous questions to find the question in the data base (think exploring the entire system to get a particular question!) and make the corrections! More over if you have not yet classified questions according to their subject or module or sub module or even difficulty level wise on ask your faculty to classify the questions on the same print outs they were given for corrections and the DTP operator will select the QIDs of the questions of the same class or parameter and move them in their appropriate place in a single click!! No cut – copy- paste required.
Create new questions from existing questions
The Question Bank Manager of Chronon also provides a wonderful facility of creation of new questions with the help of existing questions. Make slight changes in the existing questions like change some options of an MCQ, or change some of the terms in the questions which can go with same options and save as new question and your new question is ready. For example in one question you are asking the dimension of force just change force by moment or by pressure and then you have to change at most one of the options to get new question!
Question Bank statistics
Once you have stored your question bank in CHRONON, within seconds you can view the strength of your question bank in a very systematic and tabular form. The fields of the table can be selected by the users as per his/her requirements for example, difficulty level wise distribution of questions in a particular subject or topic wise distribution of questions in a subject or even all the distribution of questions of any exam across all the subjects with distribution within modules and sub module and separated with difficulty level! The question bank analysis helps you to decide the areas of questions and the type of questions to be focused which may be left behind or lack in number strength.
Test template and exam patterns
Depending on the examinations or requirement of testing test papers or question papers are of number of verities. CHRONON provides an innovative module for creation of Test template. In this form you can design the basic structure of the test paper that is how many section (part) or subsections are required for the test papers more over the criteria for sections or sub sections whether they will contain different subjects / chapter/ topic or different type of questions. You can say this is Skelton of the test papers. You can create any number of such templates. Now on the basis of these you create Exam Patterns that is the selection of subject / chapter/ topic and selection of question type and user defined question type. Here only you set the number of questions to be asked in total or in any section or subsection. You can create any number of exam patterns using single template. The whole process of creation of template or pattern is just drag and drop based hence it becomes a child’s play to create such forms!
Quick and flexible generation of standard question papers
Once you have created exam pattern in CHRONON it is matter of just few clicks to generate test / question paper of your choice. Definitely you might have taken care of your choice while creating test template or exam pattern which is completely flexible to meet your requirement! For example you can set no of questions to be selected not only in a module but also the distribution within chapters of a module can also be governed. Before you finalize the test paper there is an intermediate window where you can replace some question which you think should not be selected or you are interested in some questions to be certainly asked. Hence though the test paper is randomly generated but still in you command!
Ready to distribute test paper i.e. no DTP work required
The test paper generated by CHRONON does not require any type setting as in the template or exam pattern you can set all the instructions for the sections/sub sections or for the questions. Their display settings like bold / italic or font name or size can also be set there only. There is also provision for display of options of an MCQ like all the options should be in one column or in two columns or even user can leave it on auto mode where Chronon will decide intelligently the space available for the options and will place them appropriately. More over Chronon can also prepare various paper set by shuffling questions of the same question paper and also their answer sheet and solution sheet separately hence in short once you have made all the settings as per your requirement, even your receptionist can conduct the test by Chronon that too in the absence of DTP operator or faculty!
Question paper statistics
Chronon generates test paper according to your criteria set in the software by selecting questions randomly. Hence authorities are always curious to know the distribution of question among various topics and chapter of a subject even difficulty level wise distribution of questions is also important to know. For each question paper generated by Chronon there is a form where all the distribution of questions is beautifully displayed in tabular form which gives instant idea about the standard of the question paper in a glance.
Multiple user single database system
Since Chronon runs over LAN and therefore data entry can be done through multiple systems which are connected to a single database hence questions digitized by different DTP operators are saved in single data base. This helps the organization to find and protect the precious content of questions in the case when suddenly a DTP operator leaves the job or absent for long time without information. No matter how many people are involved in the digitization of questions, the question bank of the organization in Chronon is maintained in a very systematic and structured manner and just few clicks will provide the status of the question bank and the efficiency of the DTP operator or that of the faculty!
Question Bank security
Chronon is highly secure software. The questions are entered by different DTP operators through their login Id and pass word only and the users credentials can be created only by the authorized administrator of Chronon. More over the administrator can also restrict the rights of the users (DTP operator and Faculty) in Chronon.
Compatible with Online and Offline Test Platform
Online test conducting is a tedious job for any non technical institute. Uploading of questions becomes the night mare if questions involve equations and images. To offer online test to its students the institute require at least two to three days in prior. Even in some of the cases they have to depend on the service provider of the online test platform! Chronon has made it a child’s play. Just generate a test paper by few clicks and one more click will send the question paper on your web base data base. Now you can offer this question paper to the registered members of your web based online test platform. Just think in few minutes you can decide and offer online test to your student!
What exactly Chronon does for educational institutes?
Chronon manages all the questions of the institutes very systematically and saves them in digital format in well classified group, which can be used for paper generation (through Chronon itself!) & creation of new question. Hence it saves lot of man power & time. It also helps to find duplicate and similar questions in database & give actual strength of question.
Is it really useful to have software for test paper generation or question paper preparation?
Of course! It is very useful for quality test paper and assignment creation. Having good questions collection in an institute is important but to use them intelligently and optimally is rather important. Chronon like comprehensive software can help a lot in these cases. It can prevent repetition or duplicate or similar questions from appearing in the test papers more over once corrections are made there is no chance of erroneous questions in the test papers as there is single depository of the questions.
Does Chronon contain questions for test paper generation?
Chronon has different versions. It comes without questions bank as well as with questions, where the questions are provided as per the requirements of the user.
What does it mean when YOCTEL says Chronon is a question bank manager as well?
It is software with Database where we can store any type of question. The entire question can be classified or grouped according to its Exam, Subject, chapter, topic & level of difficulty of questions. More over whenever you want it can reproduce questions in few clicks only and that too as per your sorting and filtering parameters. Chronon also provides a facility to find out and manage the duplicate and similar questions.
What is the questions type Chronon can handle? i.e. MCQ / True – false or subjective etc.
Chronon can handle any type of questions. Few to mention!
Can I find and manage duplicate and similar questions through Chronon?
Yes we can manage duplicate & similar question with equations or without equations provided equations are of math type 6 or higher version & it is not stored inside table.
Can I generate subjective and quasi subjective test paper?
Yes we can generate any type of Test paper as the software supports any type of question and there is facility to create test pattern and exam pattern. So if your database contains questions of the types you require, just create a pattern of the test type and Chronon will generate paper as you wished!
What is the output form of the papers generated? Does it require formatting or any DTP work on it?
No absolutely not! Chronon provide the test paper in the format which is ready to distribute among the students. Actually there is a facility in the software that user can set various instructions and text formats in advance on the exam pattern form like question text in bold, italic or normal, the options (multiple choices) text is bold or italic. Option type (a) (A) (1) (i) etc. can also be set in advance. More over it also provides a facility of setting of the options as you can display the options in single column or in two columns. Even you can set it in auto mode where software automatically determines the space and the options are placed accordingly. User can even design header and footer and also select no. of columns in which the question paper will be displayed. Hence there is no work of DTP operator once you have a good question bank and desired exam pattern and template.
Normally there are some information provided in the test papers like instruction about question paper or instructions before certain group of question. Does Chronon handle it?
Yes! there is a form where you can set no. of question of a particular type for your test paper .On the same page there is facilitates to write some text as instructions and save it for each type of question these text are automatically reflected on the test paper before the group of particular type of question, moreover this text adjusts itself according to test paper like mention of question no. etc.
Can we find and rectify the wrong entries in the database made by less trained user/operator?
Yes, since the Chronon runs on LAN and different users or Data Entry operators are Logged in to the system through their own login Id. Hence software provides the facility to search and find the data entered by particular user on particular date or between two dates.
What is question bank statistics?
Once you have stored your question bank in CHRONON, within seconds you can view the strength of your question bank in a very systematic and tabular form. The fields of the table can be selected by the users as per his/her requirements for example difficulty level wise distribution of questions in a particular subject or topic wise distribution of questions in a subject or even all the distribution of questions of any exam across all the subjects with distribution within modules and sub module and separated with difficulty level!
What are the chances of repetition of questions in different question paper? Can we avoid it through software itself?
Chronon has hundred percent (full proof logic) to avoid repetition of question in different paper which can be generated by same template. It also provides you the choice of inclusion or exclusion of the questions previously asked for new test paper .
I have already typed questions. How I would enter these questions into the database of Chronon?
If Your question format is supported by Chronon then it can be uploaded in few clicks. See the working of the software. A good user of computers or a good typist can enter 10000 questions in a day just using his normal working hours .
Different exams are conducted through different type of test papers. For example IIT - JEE question paper contains various sections, subsections and various type of questions. Can chronon generate such kind of question paper?
Yes we can generate any type of paper format containing various type of paper format. Just design once exam pattern in the software and then select pattern of the paper you want and generate the test paper! Just two clicks!
What about data security? If multiple DTP operators are working on chronon using same database, can we identify the data entered by different operators?
Yes you can monitor the various activities of users on Chronon. As admin you have right to create users and restrict their rights. Hence by choosing particular user you can find the questions entered by that particular user even the data entry can be sorted by date or date range.
What are the file formats of the question papers generated by Chronon?
The test paper can be exported in the editable MS Word file and can also be exported in non editable .pdf file format.